Our Services
The Strom Family Law team represents clients throughout the state of South Carolina and has also represented clients located throughout the country and abroad. Our team has experience and is equipped to help with a wide variety of family law issues. We understand that dealing with any one of the topics below can be a highly emotional and stressful time, so we are dedicated to providing our clients with the proper knowledge, advocacy and support to guide them through this process. If you need legal assistance in any of these areas, give us a call or email to set up a consultation.
Change in Circumstances Modifications
Child Custody and Visitation (including Interstate Custody and Visitation concerns)
Child Support
Complex Property Division
Contempt Proceedings
Contested and Uncontested Divorce
Enforcement of Orders
Grandparent Rights
Guardian ad Litem Services
High-Net Worth Divorce
Military Divorce
Name Changes
Post-Nuptial Agreements
Prenuptial Agreements
Reconciliation Agreements
Registration of Out-of-State Orders
Step Parent Adoptions